Course Curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    2. Getting Set Up

    3. Getting Set Up (Video Guide)

    4. Module 0 Resources

    1. Module 1 Introduction

    2. Module 1 Resources

    3. Lesson 1: Motivation

    4. Lesson 2: Simple Graph

    5. Lesson 3: LangGraph Studio

    6. Lesson 4: Chain

    7. Lesson 5: Router

    8. Lesson 6: Agent

    9. Lesson 7: Agent with Memory

    10. Lesson 8: Deployment

    11. Module 1 Feedback

    1. Module 2 Introduction

    2. Module 2 Resources

    3. Lesson 1: State Schema

    4. Lesson 2: State Reducers

    5. Lesson 3: Multiple Schemas

    6. Lesson 4: Trim and Filter Messages

    7. Lesson 5: Chatbot w/ Summarizing Messages and Memory

    8. Lesson 6: Chatbot w/ Summarizing Messages and External Memory

    9. Module 2 Feedback

    1. Module 3 Introduction

    2. Module 3 Resources

    3. Lesson 1: Streaming

    4. Lesson 2: Breakpoints

    5. Lesson 3: Editing State and Human Feedback

    6. Lesson 4: Dynamic Breakpoints

    7. Lesson 5: Time Travel

    8. Module 3 Feedback

    1. Module 4 Introduction

    2. Module 4 Resources

    3. Lesson 1: Parallelization

    4. Lesson 2: Sub-graphs

    5. Lesson 3: Map-reduce

    6. Lesson 4: Research Assistant

    7. Module 4 Feedback

    8. End of Course Feedback

About this course

  • Free
  • 40 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

LangGraph FAQs

  • Do I need to use LangChain to use LangGraph? What’s the difference?

    No. LangGraph is an orchestration framework for complex agentic systems and is more low-level and controllable than LangChain agents. On the other hand, LangChain provides a standard interface to interact with models and other components, useful for straight-forward chains and retrieval flows.

  • How is LangGraph different from other agent frameworks?

    Other agentic frameworks can work for simple, generic tasks but fall short for complex tasks bespoke to a company’s needs. LangGraph provides a more expressive framework to handle companies’ unique tasks without restricting users to a single black-box cognitive architecture.

  • Does LangGraph impact the performance of my app?

    LangGraph will not add any overhead to your code and is specifically designed with streaming workflows in mind.

  • Is LangGraph open source? Is it free?

    Yes. LangGraph is an MIT-licensed open-source library and is free to use.

  • Is LangGraph Cloud open source?

    No. LangGraph Cloud is proprietary software that will eventually be a paid service for certain tiers of usage. We will always give ample notice before charging for a service and reward our early adopters with preferential pricing.

LangGraph Cloud is now in Beta, available for LangSmith Plus users

Deploy LangGraph agents at scale with LangGraph Cloud (available for Python). Get 1-click deployment, scalable servers and task queues, and integrated monitoring to streamline custom workflows.